Are We Really Making a Difference?: Activism & Social Change

I wonder all the time if we’re truly making progress towards a better world or just chipping away at a metastasizing mess of problems that’ll never improve. Seeing public energy on a given issue wax and wane can make it feel like we’re losing all the progress we gain during those fleeting peaks of visibility and action. It’s also incredibly difficult to know how we fit into these bigger movements, and the scale of collective action often swallows the incremental impacts of our contributions, making us feel powerless and inconsequential. I think there are 2 main questions we should address: is this large-scale up and declining trajectory really doing anything, and are the ups outweighing the downs?

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Noe ConahanComment
Semester Resolutions

It’s been a crazy semester for all of us. In an attempt to refocus, some Mentality writers share what they’re doing this semester to stay on track and take care of themselves.

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8 Pillars of Wellbeing

The concept of “well-being” can be described as a holistic approach to health. There are 8 dimensions to well-being, which include physical, spiritual, emotional mental, intellectual, environmental, social, occupational, and financial. Everyone defines these a bit differently, and practices self-care in each of these areas using different methods. We all have parts of our well-being that are stronger than others, and breaking down our analysis into these 8 pillars helps us to pinpoint areas that need improvement.

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