Power Posing

When I started this week-long experiment, I wasn’t really sure how it would turn out. How could posing for a few minutes in the morning noticeably change my day? Despite my hesitations, I went into the week with an open mind, and boy am I glad I did. 

Every morning, I would wake up, finish my normal morning routine and power pose for about two minutes before I went down for breakfast. I looked in the mirror, puffed out my chest, and put my hands on my hips. Of course, I felt a little strange, but it was nice to look at myself confidently in my dark, tiny dorm room. My roommate thought I was just a tad crazy but said “hey, I’m not going to stop you from trying something new,” so it was nice to have her support. 

Immediately after posing, I found myself much more conscious of my posture. Sitting and walking around with my spine straight just made me feel… better. I felt more confident in myself and the day ahead of me.

Starting my day with power posing threw off my normal regimen, but in a good way. There was something about changing up my routine that made me more aware and ready for the day. If this week of power posing taught me anything, it reminded me of how important it is to make every part of my day meaningful. When it starts to get cold and dark on these winter mornings, we tend to roll out of bed and go through the motions of the morning without really thinking. Wake up, get ready, eat, go. By integrating power posing into my routine, I forced myself to start my day off intentionally. Taking those two minutes out of my morning to physically stop and think about the day ahead allowed me to mentally prepare for what was to come. 

Overall, I’m really happy with the outcome of my week of power posing. It made me realize how important it is to be intentional with my actions, as it allowed me to stop and appreciate a seemingly unimportant part of the day. If you ever feel like you want to appreciate the day and slow down, try power posing. 

Katie GoodComment